Information according to § 5 TMG
Service provider / Shop operator
bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co. KG
Headquarters / Address
Engelhardshauser Str. 55+57
D-74572 Blaufelden-Wiesenbach
Contact details
Phone: +49 (0) 7953 87-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7953 87-70
Customer service online shop:
Further company information:
bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co. KG
Register court Ulm / HRA 690359
Personally liable partner: bosch Verwaltungs GmbH, Engelhardshauser Str. 55+57, D-74572 Blaufelden-Wiesenbach,
Registry Court Ulm / HRB 690169
bosch Verwaltungs GmbH and bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co. KG are each represented by the managing directors:
Agathe Heim, Wolfgang Heim, Steffen Rösch and Klaus Lahrmann
Engelhardshauser Str. 55+57, D-74572 Blaufelden-Wiesenbach, Germany
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE 145214333
Responsible person in the sense of § 18 Abs. 2 RStV
Steffen Rösch
bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co. KG
Engelhardshauser Str. 55+57
D-74572 Blaufelden-Wiesenbach
EU Dispute Resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):
You can find our e-mail addresses in the imprint above.
Liability notice
"bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co. KG" as the operator of the online presence assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information contained and the availability of services and is also not liable for consequential damages resulting from the use of the offer.
As far as an exclusion of liability does not come into consideration, the operators are only liable for gross negligence and intent. Product and company names are trademarks of their respective owners and are used on these pages for information purposes only.
The respective providers are responsible for third-party websites to which this offer refers by means of so-called links. The operator is not responsible for the content of such third-party sites.
Furthermore, the website can be linked to from other sites by means of so-called links without our knowledge. The operator assumes no responsibility for representations, contents or any connection to this web page in web pages of third parties.
The operator is only responsible for third-party content if he has positive knowledge of it (i.e. including illegal or criminal content) and it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent its use. However, according to the Teleservices Act, the operator is not obliged to constantly check the external content.
The content and works published on our websites are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation of our intellectual property outside the limits of copyright in ideal and / or material point of view require the prior written consent of the respective author in the sense of copyright law. Downloads and copies of these web pages and their contents are only permitted for private and not for commercial use.