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Interactive nutritionist

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Every animal is unique. We want to provide your pelt nose with a diet that is perfectly tailored to its individual needs and preferences.
With our interactive food advisor, you can enter the most important data of your four-legged friend step by step and then receive an individual food recommendation. The whole thing is free of charge, of course.

Nutrition experts

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You have further wishes, questions and suggestions about our products or the nutrition of your pet?
Feel free to contact our nutrition experts in confidence, they will be happy to help you by e-mail and by phone via our free hotline.

Phone: +49 (0) 800 333 8 222 

Monday - Thursday: 7.30 - 12 o'clock & 13 - 16 o'clock
Friday: 7.30 - 12 o'clock & 13 - 15 o'clock

Animal Nutrition Expert Dr. Anna Mitura

Dr. Anna Mitura


  • Degree in agricultural sciences with emphasis in animal nutrition
  • Doctorate in animal nutrition physiology
  • For a total of 6 years with bosch Tiernahrung as product manager
  • Also 2 years as product manager for vegetable raw materials and special components in animal nutrition

What I do at bosch:

A significant part of my work as a product manager is the development of new recipes for dogs and cats. This involves developing completely new lines or individual new products for existing food lines.

The basis of this work is the evaluation and analysis of raw materials. Only those who know the raw materials know how to combine them optimally. Of course, the latest scientific findings are always included in the development.

Advising customers by phone/ email and training and lectures for customers and dealers complete my tasks.

Private life:

I am a real northern light and come from Schleswig-Holstein. On a small village I grew up with dogs. My heart dog is called Rufus and is a 13-year-old giant schnauzer mix senior.

Animal Nutrition Expert Bianca Greiner

Bianca Greiner


  • Study of Equine Business B.Sc. at the HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen
  • Study of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Management M. Sc. at the HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen
  • Working for bosch since fall 2021

What I do at bosch:

I spend a large part of my working time developing recipes for new types of dog and cat food. In order to provide the best possible care for our pelt-noses and velvet paws, not only the wishes of the consumer but also new scientific findings and alternative protein sources (e.g. insects) are taken into account. In addition, the evaluation of analyses of the products as well as the monitoring of our meat raw materials are part of my tasks.

My hobbyhorse is advising customers on the phone or by e-mail. Nothing gives me more pleasure than clarifying questions in direct dialog and developing solutions to feeding problems with your pets.

Private life:

Originally, I come from the southernmost point of Germany - Lake Constance. My love for animals and my passion for dogs moved me to enter the field of pet food after my studies. Always at my side - my mixed-breed dog Flora, who comes from Romania. A little whirlwind, she sweeps through the department every day and always brings a smile to our faces.

Animal Nutrition Expert Karin Kühn

Karin Kühn


  • Studied agricultural biology with a focus on animal nutrition
  • For a total of 12 years at bosch pet food in product development

What I do at bosch:

A significant part of my work as a product manager is the development of new recipes for dogs and cats.

The basis of this work is the evaluation and analysis of raw materials. Only those who know the raw materials know how to combine them optimally. Of course, the latest scientific findings are always included in the development.

Private life:

I am European in heart and mind, have been around a lot and like to get to know countries and cultures. Always with me is my dog (now the fourth), through thick and thin it goes through life on 6 feet. By phone you can always reach me from 8-14 o'clock in my home office.

Animal Nutrition Expert Franziska Augustin

Franziska Augustin


  • Study of veterinary medicine
  • Two years animal veterinarian in a veterinary hospital
  • Half a year field service in veterinary medicine technology
  • Working at bosch pet food since September 2022

What I do at bosch:

A large part of my job consists of maintaining existing formulations and developing new ones. In order to always be up to date with the latest scientific and legal developments, constant exchange with my colleagues and regular training and research on the subject of nutrition for dogs and cats take a high priority. Both in recipe work and in food consulting - every day brings new challenges and varied tasks.

Private life:

Whether in the office or in my free time - my male whippet Levi is always with me. Long walks or activities in the fresh air create the perfect balance to the daily work routine. I also love Italian cuisine and have fun trying out new recipes while cooking.

Animal Nutrition Expert Dr. Lydia Pleger

Dr. Lydia Pleger


  • Study of veterinary medicine
  • Research activity: Research into alternative protein sources in organic poultry and pig feeding
  • Doctorate in poultry nutrition
  • Official veterinarian in the field of animal welfare and animal disease control
  • With bosch Tiernahrung since December 2021

What I do at bosch:

My tasks include monitoring and assessing the quality and nutritional composition of our raw materials and end products to ensure that each animal is provided with all the nutrients it needs in line with its requirements.

Research into nutritional physiology and feed law issues is particularly important in order to keep up to date with the latest scientific and legal developments.

It gives me the greatest pleasure to work with pet owners to find the right food for their pets, taking into account their individual needs and special requirements.

Private life:

I like to spend my free time hiking or cycling, but preferably on horseback. The main thing is being in nature!

Really good dog & cat food

Family business since 1960

Climate-neutral production

From our homeland

Pet food without sugar

Regional raw materials

Pet food without animal testing